
“Colorful Flags is a practical concept. I would be impressed and thrilled if someone engaged me in my native tongue.” --Archbishop Desmond Tutu

"Interactions fostered by the Colorful Flags program can go a long way toward breaking down the mistrust that separates different communities in the U.S." --Multicultural Review

“This concept is brilliantly simple.”--James O’Toole, Ph.D.

“It is so fun! Students don’t even know they’re learning.”--Bell High School, CA

“It’s a positive little gold nugget at a time when we need every little ounce of cultural interaction that we can muster in our city, especially between the community and our police department.” --Deputy Chief Mark Kroeker, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Times

“The ability to communicate is the beginning of understanding. I think Reese has the answer.” --Harvey Mackay, The Denver Post

“As the Colorful Flags Program suggests…speaking a little to someone in his native tongue establishes a connection like no other.”--Lee May, The Atlanta Journal Constitution

“I think Colorful Flags is a useful tool to use in an environment as diverse as ours.”
--Los Angeles County: Commission on Human Relations

“The 10-county metropolitan Atlanta planning commission is working in areas of community relations and diversity and think that the Colorful Flags concept would be very helpful.” --Atlanta Regional Commission

“Your Colorful Flags program is impressive. The content is excellent and your commitment is self-evident.” --Advanta Corp.

"Colorful Flags breaks the ice and bridges gaps". --San Gabriel Valley (CA) Tribune

“We are pleased to know that the problems of ethnicity and multiculturalism in the U.S. especially California has been given attention by your program.” --Royal Thai Consulate General

“We feel that if we can get people to use the Colorful Flags phonetic cards and communicate in the different languages this will be a better work place.” --Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles

“Dr. Reese has created a practical social invention that has national perhaps international implications.” --Warren G. Bennis, Ph. D.

“You have found a universal and practical way of showing people you care about them and their culture.” --United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland

The Los Angeles Human Relations Commission recommends that government institutions, education agencies, private sector employers, and non-profit and religious organizations adopt a program to bridge language gaps by teaching students, employees, clients, and residents of Los Angeles five basic statements people use every day in five of the most frequently spoken non-English languages in Los Angeles.--Los Angeles Human Relations Commission Report

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